Sometimes we want everything to be perfect in our lives. But that is impossible. We cannot be perfect or make things perfect on our own effort. It is God who makes things perfect. He is the author of perfection. Only by tapping into him can we have perfection. He makes us perfect when we come to him and accept humbly the sacrifice of his one and only son, Jesus Christ. By paying the price for our sins he washes us and makes us clean so that we can enter into heaven and reflect his glory in this life.
What is tragic is when we come to God with the perception that we need to clean up our act before we can have fellowship with him and/or be saved. We may say, "I need to get my life together before I can come to God."
Yet, God is waiting for us with open arms to embrace us with his love and grace and to begin the process of transforming us into the people he wants us to become. When we try to do the change on our own (and wait to come to him) we miss out on letting him work through us to make the changes. All he seeks from us is repentance (a sincere desire to change our ways) and openess to letting him do his work in us.
Do you want to be perfect? Stop trying to do it on your own! It will never happen! You are not the author of perfection and perfection will never come from you. Come to Jesus and let him do the work of purifying your heart and soul and creating a new creation. He will create a desire in you to reflect his love in your life and every day you will draw closer to making this a reality. Because his Spirit is working in us we can act and live as he did. And when we do, he gets all the glory!
Verses to meditate on: Matthew 5:42-48; Luke 15:20; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Philippians 1:6; 1 John 2:5-7.
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