The Monarch Butterfly is a beautiful example of the miracle of metamorphosism, which means great change or tranformation. It is a testament of God's incredible and beautiful creation. A caterpillar, which turns itself into a Monarch Butterfly Chrysalis in just two minutes, becomes liguidy mush after releasing chemicals in its body in the Chrysalis. From this mush a body, head, internal organs and wings are formed in eight days to create a beautiful butterfly.
Entomologists have been baffled by this for years and cannot explain how this occurs. Monarch butterflies are an example of how there is an intelligent designer in the universe, a God who creates and whose fingerprints are found in His nature. To learn more about Monarch Butterflies and their incredible migration go to Project Creation.
"And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl (the Hebrew word for fowl includes all flying creatures) that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven." - Genesis 1:20
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